Hideo Nakata Interview 3 - Ring 2

by Martyn Palmer

Q: And you have Sissy Spacek in the film. What was it like working with such an iconic actress?

A: There is a scene where Sissy and Naomi are together and it took us two days and it turned out great. I felt like I was dreaming when I was watching their performance. We did a few takes and Naomi wanted to see it played back and the three of us were watching the video monitor and I felt like I was dreaming - one Academy Award winner and one Academy Award nominee! I really enjoyed it. And that scene is probably one of the most effective scenes in the whole movie.

Q: Why does an audience like to be scared by horror films?

A: I think that is probably the nature of the movie itself. The audience wants to be scared and wants to be surprised by movies, I think they enjoy it. And when you think about early movies, I remember there was one film about the arrival of a train. It sounds so ordinary but it was the first time an audience had seen the arrival of a train on film and they really freaked out because they felt the train was coming through the screen. That kind of pure visual surprise is not a horror movie but it is visually surprising and I think that it's in the nature of movie audiences to want to be scared because it's a different experience than reality.

Q: Almost like a release?

A: Yes, exactly.

Q: What will you do next? I read a while ago that you said you wanted to take a break from this genre and do something different. Is that still the case?

A: Well, it's not decided yet. I have two or three potential projects here and two of them are actually horror and one is a crime suspense movie and back in Japan I have two potential projects, one is a ghost story and the other is let's say half drama, half ghost story. And I want to try another genre of course, but maybe now I have become known as a horror filmmaker. But I don't know yet, I don't know which project will happen next.

Q: But you want to work again in America?

A: Oh yes I want to work here again but at the same time I would like to work in Japan as well.

Q: Do you have family back in Japan?

A: I have a mother and brother but I am single, so not my own family.

Q: Thank you for your time and good luck with your film…

A: Thank you. It's been nice talking to you…

Hideo Nakata Interview

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